Category General News
The hairiest time of year is almost upon us — Movember. To celebrate, Canadian Country music star George Canyon will be the guest of honor at the MoYYC Movember Shave Down at the ‘Best of Seven Barber Shop’ in Calgary, Alberta on Tuesday, November 1. This year marks their 5th Annual Movember 1st Shave Down Event to create awareness, as well as a way to come together to mentally and physically prepare for the growing month ahead. “I am thrilled to be the guest of honor at the Movember Shave Down with my friends at the ‘Best of Seven Barber Shop’ and I am looking forward to being a part of Movember this year as a way to raise funds, fun and awareness to change the face of men’s health” say Canyon.

Canyon’s Mo Space is now ‘live’ and fans can join George Canyon’s Mo Team for support or to help raise funds.

 Photo Credit: Trish and